Lil Intro

Lil Intro

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
This is a picture of me in case you wanted to know what I look like.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my first post. If you’ve somehow wandered upon this blog you’re either a) very lost on the World Wide Web, or b) forced to visit this page by none other than The Traveling Bean herself. While you’re here, why don’t you get to know me a little?

My name is Sydney and I am from the wonderful city of Louisville (pronounced luh•vuhl), Kentucky. I am currently a student at Kent State University in Kent, OH and will soon takeoff into my last semester where I will be studying abroad in Florence, Italy for four months. At Kent, I am studying Visual Communication Design (essentially graphic design, but we’re pretentious) and minoring in Marketing. In my free time (when I actually have any), I like to pet dogs, drink coffee that is too expensive, go to art museums, binge watch shows, and eat lots of food. I am a full time lover of all things design, dog, and/or donut related. A graphic designer dog that makes donuts may or may not pop into my dreams every now and then, but that’s besides the point. Since I will be graduating in December 2018, much of my mind is preoccupied with anxieties about the future and how I will go about the much dreaded job search. P.S. If you know any graphic design/marketing/advertising firms that will be hiring in the near future, show em my website, please and thanks. Just click this link to see my work.

But, my anxiety also spreads to my worries about my future travel. I have visited foreign countries before, but I have never been in them, unsupervised for a long period of time. For a spring break trip in 2017, I went to Europe on a faculty guided trip with individuals from my major at Kent State. We stayed in Dublin, Ireland; Glasgow, Scotland; London, England; and Paris, France. This experience ignited my love for traveling while also seeing design from a new lens. In the winter of 2017/18, I went to Israel on a Birthright trip. Although this experience was definitely one-sided and biased as “pro-Israel no matter what,” I still had an incredible time and learned a lot about connecting with different locations.

If you feel so inclined, follow my adventures about how a 20 year old with anxiety attempts to navigate her life and mind around foreign countries and the fear of the future!

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means a writer, so you may see many grammatical errors and mistakes. I created this blog as a way to document my growth through traveling, and do not intend for it to showcase my poor writing skills.

17 days until Florence takeoff.